# Utility
Know how infer preferences from choice, next is representing utility with a utility function.
# Utility Existence
A function is a utility function representing preference relation, it is not unique.
Definition (Utility Function). A function
- Property: ordinal property.
- For any strictly increasing function
is a newly utility function representing the same preferences as u.
- For any strictly increasing function
Proposition 1.B.2. A preference relation
Question: Can any rational preference relation be described by utility function?
One case in which we can always represent a rational preference relation with a utility function arises when
is finite. With infinitely many alternatives, some problems emerge.
- Example: The Lexicographic Preference Relation.
- Definition (Lexicographic Preference Relation): For simplicity, assume that
. Define if either “ ” or “ and .” This is known as the lexicographic preference relation.
- Definition (Lexicographic Preference Relation): For simplicity, assume that
- Example: The Lexicographic Preference Relation.
The assumption that is needed to ensure the existence of a utility function is that the preference relation be continuous.
# Utility properties
# Continuity
Definition (Continuous). The preference relation
The assumption of continuity says that preferences cannot exhibit a sudden reversal (or jumps).
Proposition 3.C.1: Suppose that the rational preference relation
# Differentiable
For analytical purposes, it is also convenient if
Whenever convenient in the discussion that follows, we nevertheless assume utility functions to be twice continuously differentiable.
Intuitively, what is required is that indifference sets be smooth surfaces that fit together nicely so that the rates at which commodities substitute for each other depend differentiably on the consumption levels.
# Transition Properties
Restrictions on preferences translate into restrictions on the form of utility functions.
The property of monotonicity, for example, implies that the utility function is increasing:
The property of convexity of preferences, on the other hand, implies that
- Definition (quasiconcave): The utility function
is quasiconcave if the set is convex for all or, equivalently, if for any , and all . If the inequality is strict for all and , then is strictly quasiconcave;
- A continuous
on is homothetic if and only if it admits a utility function that is homogeneous of degree one [i.e., such that for all ]. - A continuous
on is quasilinear with respect to the first commodity if and only if it admits a utility function of the form .