# Extra Games
# Games of Incomplete Information
Incomplete information: eg. unknown costs / preferences.
Rationalizability Problem: to consider a player's beliefs about other players' preferences, his beliefs about their beliefs about his preferences, and so on.
Harsanyi's Approach:
- a player's preferences: determined by the realization of a random variable (r.v.)
- actual realization is only observed by the player.
- all observe ex ante prob. distribution.
Bayesian game: Incomplete information
- Nature makes the first move, choosing realizations of the r.v. (player's type), and each player observe's the realization of only his own r.v.
# General Formulation of a Bayesian Game
Definition (Bayesian Game).
players. : player i's type, a r.v. choosing by nature that is observed only by player i . . : joint p.d.f. of the 's. common knowledge. : a pure strategy for player i (decision rule) that gives the player's strategy choice for each realization of his type . : payoff function for player i.
The related game with imperfect information by Harsany's Approach:
: player i's pure strategy set. all possible functions: - Player i's expected payoff given a profile of pure strategies for the I players
# Bayesian Nash Equilibrium
Definition (Bayesian Nash Equilibrium). A (pure strategy) Bayesian Nash Equilibrium for the Bayesian game
- That is, for every
for all , where
Proposition. A profile of decision rules
for all
# Sequential Rationality
An important new issue in dynamic games: the credibility of a player's strategy.
Definition (Principle of Sequential Rationality). A player's strategy should specify optimal actions at every point in the game tree.
# Backward induction
Definition (Backward induction). (1) determine first for optimal behavior at the "end" of the game; (2) then determine what optimal behavior is earlier in the game given the anticipation of this later behavior.
Definition (Finite Games of Perfect Information). Games in which every information set contains a single decision node and there is a finite number of such nodes.
Prop (Zermelo's Theorem). Every Finite Game of Perfect Information
# Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria
Definition (Subgame). A subgame of an extensive form game
- It begins with an information set containing a single decision node, contains all the decision nodes that are successors (both immediate and later) of this node, and contains only these nodes.
- If decision node x is in the subgame, then every
is also, where H(x) is the information set that contains decision node x.(That is, there are no "broken" information sets.)
Definition (Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria, SPNE). A profile of strategies
Every SPNE is a N.E., but not every N.E. is subgame perfect.
Proposition. Every finite game of perfect information
# SPNE: Multiple Equilibria
Multiple SPNE: Behavior earlier in the game could depend on which equilibrium resulted after entry.
# SPNE: Nested Subgames
Definition (nested subgame). A game with imperfect information may in general have many subgames, with one subgame nested within another, and that larger subgame nested within a still larger one, and so on.
Proposition. Consider an