# Preference-based Demand: utility maximization problem

We then assume that the consumer has rational, continuous and locally nonsatiated preferences, represented by the utility function u()​.


  1. All prices are strictly positive (p0​) and linear (each unit of good k​ costs the same).

  2. Wealth is strictly positive (w>0).

  3. Goods are divisible:xR+L​ and consumer can consume any bundle in budget set.

  4. Set of goods is finite.

  5. The consumption space is X=R+L.


# Solution

Proposition 3.D.1 (Solution existence of UMP). If p0​ and u()​​​ is continuous, then the utility maximization problem has a solution.

Proposition 3.D.2 (Walrasian demand correspondence properties). Suppose that u()​ is a continuous utility function representing a locally nonsatiated preference relation ​ defined on the consumption set X=R+​, then the Walrasian demand correspondence x(p,w)​ possesses the following properties:

  1. Homogeneity of degree zero in (p,w): x(αp,αw)=x(p,w)​ for any p,w​ and scalar α>0​.

  2. Walras' law: px=w​ for all xx(p,w)​.

  3. Convexity/uniqueness: If is convex, so that u() is quasiconcave, then x(p,w) is a convex set. Moreover, if is strictly convex, so that u() is strictly quasiconcave, then x(p,w)​ consists of a single element.

If u() is continuously differentiable, an optimal consumption bundle xx(p,w)​ can be characterized in a very useful manner by means of first-order conditions.

Proposition ( Kuhn-Tucker (necessary) conditions).The Kuhn-Tucker (necessary) conditions (see Section M.K of the Mathematical Appendix) say that

  • If xx(p,w) is a solution to the UMP, then there exists a Lagrange multiplier λ>0 such that for all l=1,,L:(3.D.1)u(x)xλp,withequalityifx>0.

# Interior optimum

Thus, if we are at an interior optimum (i.e., if x0), we must have


If u(x)0, this is equivalent to the requirement​ that for any two goods ​ and k, we have

  • It relates the marginal rate of substitution MRSlk(x)(the amount of good k​​​​ the agent must be given to compensate him/her for a one-unit reduction in his consumption of good ) to the ratio of prices (i.e., the rate of exchange).

# Boundary optimum

When the consumer's optimal bundle x lies on the boundary of the consumption set. In this case, the gradient vector need not be proportional to the price vector.

In particular, the first-order conditions tell us that

  • u(x)/xlλp​​ for those ​​ with xl=0​​ and
  • ul(x)/xl=λp​​ for those ​​ with x>0​​​​.

# The indirect utility function

Definition (indirect utility function). For each (p,w)0​, the utility value of the UMP​ is denoted v(p,w)R​. It is equal to u(x)​ for any xx(p,w)​.

Proposition (Roy's identity). Roy's Identity states that the Walrasian demand function is equal to minus the ratio of partial derivatives w.r.t. price and wealth, i.e.,
