# Relationships between Demand, Indirect Utility, and Expenditure Functions


  1. u() is a continuous utility function representing the locally nonsatiated preferences (defined on the consumption set X=R+L​).
  2. p0.
  3. is strictly convex, so that the Walrasian and Hicksian demands, x(p, w) and h(p, u), are single-valued.

# Hicksian Demand and the Expenditure Function

Proposition 3.G.1 (Relationships between HD and EF). Suppose that (1) u() is a continuous utility function representing the locally nonsatiated preferences (defined on the consumption set X=R+L​), that (2) p0, and that (3) is strictly convex, so that the Walrasian and Hicksian demands, x(p, w) and h(p, u), are single-valued. For all p and u​, the Hicksian demand h(p,u)​​ is the derivative vector of the expenditure function with respect to prices:


That is, h(p,u)=e(p,u)/p​ for all =1,...,L.

Proposition 3.G.2 (properties of the price derivatives of the Hicksian demand function Dph(p,u)). Suppose that

  1. u() is a continuous utility function representing the locally nonsatiated preferences (defined on the consumption set X=R+L​)
  2. p0.
  3. is strictly convex, so that the Walrasian and Hicksian demands, x(p, w) and h(p, u), are single-valued.
  4. h(,u) is continuously differentiable at (p,u), and denote its L×L derivative matrix by Dph(p,u).


  1. Dph(p,u)=Dp2e(p,u).
  2. Dph(p,u) is a negative semidefinite matrix.
  3. Dph(p,u)​ is a symmetric matrix.
  4. Dph(p,u)p=0.

Definition (substitutes and complements). We define two goods and k to be substitutes at (p,u) if h(p,u)/pk0 and complements if this derivative is nonpositive [when Walrasian demands have these relationships at (p,w), the goods are referred to as gross substitutes and gross complements at (p,w), respectively].

# The Hicksian and Walrasian Demand Functions

Although the Hicksian demand function is not directly observable (it has the consumer’s utility level as an argument), we now show that Dph(p,u) can nevertheless be computed from the observable Walrasian demand function x(p,w)​ (its arguments are all observable in principle).

Proposition 3.G.3 (The Slutsky Equation).

Suppose that

  1. u() is a continuous utility function representing the locally nonsatiated preferences (defined on the consumption set X=R+L​)
  2. p0.
  3. is strictly convex, so that the Walrasian and Hicksian demands, x(p, w) and h(p, u), are single-valued.
  4. h(,u) is continuously differentiable at (p,u), and denote its L×L derivative matrix by Dph(p,u).

Then for all (p,w), and u=v(p,w),we have

(3.G.3)h(p,u)pk=x(p,w)pk+x(p,w)wxk(p,w)for all ,kxl(p,w)pktotal effect =hl(p,w)pksubstitution effect xl(p,w)wxk(p,w)income effect 
  • Intuition: If pk increases, two effects on demand for good :

    • Substitution effect:h(p,w)pk
      • Movement along original indifference curve.
      • Response to change in prices, holding utility fixed.
    • Income effect: xl(p,w)wxk(p,w)
      • Movement from one indifference curve to another.
      • Response to change in income, holding prices fixed.

    Both the substitution effect and the income effect can have either sign.

    • Substitution effect is positive for substitutes and negative for complements.
    • Income effect is negative for normal goods and positive for inferior goods.

    By symmetry of Slutsky matrix, good i​​ is a substitute for j​, j is a substitute for i​.

    Not true that i is a gross substitute for j , j​ is a gross substitute for i​.

    • Income effects are not symmetric.

or equivalently, in matrix notation,


# Walrasian Demand and the Indirect Utility Function

Proposition 3.G.4 (Roy's Identity).

Suppose that

  1. u() is a continuous utility function representing a locally nonsatiated and strictly convex preference relation defined on the consumption set X=R+L.
  2. the indirect utility function is differentiable at (p,w)0.



That is, for every l=1,...,L:
