# The Expenditure Minimization Problem


The EMP is the “dual” problem to the UMP.

Proposition 3.E.1 (the formal relationship between EMP and the UMP). Suppose that u() is a continuous utility function representing a locally nonsatiated preference relation defined on the consumption set X=R+L, and the price vector is p0. We have

  1. If x is optimal in the UMP when wealth is w>0, then x is optimal in the EMP when the required utility level is u(x). Moreover, the minimized expenditure level in this EMP is exactly w.
  2. If x is optimal in the EMP when the required utility level is u>u(0), then x is optimal in the UMP when wealth is px. Moreover, the maximized utility level in this UMP is exactly u​.

This duality (and the propositions) can be captured by the fundamental identities

h(p,u)x(p,e(p,u)) and x(p,w)h(p,v(p,w)).

Other identities can be written using the indirect utility function and expenditure function

e(p,v(p,w))w and v(p,e(p,u))u

As with the UMP, when p0 a solution to the EMP exists under very general conditions.

# The Expenditure Function

Definition (expenditure function). Given prices p0​ and required utility level u>u(0)​, the value of the EMP is denoted e(p,u)​. The function e(p,u)​ is called the expenditure function. Its value for any (p,u)​ is simply px​, where x​​ is any solution to the EMP.

Proposition 3.E.2 (basic properties of the expenditure function).

Suppose that u() is a continuous utility function representing a locally nonsatiated preference relation defined on the consumption set X=R+L​​, and that for any p0. The expenditure function e(p,u)​ is

  1. Homogeneous of degree one in p.
  2. Strictly increasing in u and nondecreasing in p for any .
  3. Concave in p​.
  4. Continuous in p and u​.

# The Hicksian (or Compensated) Demand Function

Definition (Hicksian/compensated demand correspondence/function). The set of optimal commodity vectors in the EMP is denoted h(p,u)R+L​ and is known as the Hicksian, or compensated, demand correspondence, or function if single-valued.

Proposition 3.E.3 (basic properties of Hicksian demand). Suppose that u() is a continuous utility function representing a locally nonsatiated preference relation ​ defined on the consumption set X=R+L​, and that for any p0. The Hicksian demand correspondence h(p,u)​​ possesses the following properties:

  1. Homogeneity of degree zero in p : h(ap,u)=h(p,u) for any p, u and a>0​.
  2. No excess utility: For any xh(p,u),u(x)=u.
  3. Convexity/uniqueness: If is convex, then h(p,u) is a convex set; and if is strictly convex, so that u() is strictly quasiconcave, then there is a unique element in h(p,u)​.

Using Proposition 3.E.1, we can relate the Hicksian and Walrasian demand correspondences as follows:


The first of these relations explains the use of the term compensated demand correspondence to describe h(p,u):

  • Definition (Hicksian wealth compensation). As prices vary, h(p,u) gives precisely the level of demand that would arise if the consumer’s wealth were simultaneously adjusted to keep her utility level at u.

As with the value functions of the EMP and UMP, the relations in (3.E.4) allow us to develop a tight linkage between the properties of the Hicksian demand correspondence h(p,u) and the Walrasian demand correspondence x(p,w).

# Hicksian Demand and the Compensated Law of Demand

Proposition 3.E.4 (Hicksian Demand and the Compensated Law of Demand). Suppose that (1) u() is a continuous utility function representing a locally nonsatiated preference relation , and that (2) h(p,u) consists of a single element for all p0. Then the Hicksian demand function h(p,u)​​​ satisfies the compensated law of demand: For all p and p​,
