# The Principal-Agent Problem
Definition (The Principal-Agent Problem). The asymmetries of information after the signing of a contract, because of the hidden actions or hidden information.
# Moral Hazard
# Observable Effort
The optimal problem of the owner is
It is convenient to think of this problem in two stages.
- First, for each choice of
that might be specified in the contract, what is the best compensation scheme to offer the manager? - Second, what is the best choice of
# Conditional compensation scheme
- If the manager is strictly risk averse, given the contract’s specification of
, the owner offers a fixed wage payment such that the manager receives exactly his reservation utility level: - When the manager is risk neutral, any compensation function
that gives the manager an expected wage payment equal to is also optimal.
# Effort choice
The owner optimally specifies the effort level
Proposition 14.B.1. In the principal-agent model with observable managerial effort, an optimal contract specifies that the manager choose the effort
# Unobservable Effort
The optimal contract described in Proposition 14.B.1 accomplishes two goals:
- It specifies an efficient effort choice by the manager.
- It fully insures him against income risk.
When effort is not observable, these two goals often come into conflict because the only way to get the manager to work hard is to relate his pay to the realization of profits, which is random.
When these goals come into conflict, the nonobservability of effort leads to inefficiencies.
# A risk-neutral manager
Proposition 14.B.2. In the principal-agent model with unobservable managerial effort and a risk-neutral manager, an optimal contract generates the same effort choice and expected utilities for the manager and the owner as when effort is observable.
If the manager is risk neutral, the problem of risk sharing disappears.
# A risk-averse manager
To characterize the optimal contract in these circumstances, we again consider the contract design problem in two steps:
- Wwe characterize the optimal incentive scheme for each effort level that the owner might want the manager to select;
- We consider which effort level the owner should induce
# First Step
Definition (Incentive Constraint). Constraint (ii) is known as the incentive constraint: it insures that under compensation scheme
- In this case, the owner optimally offers the manager the fixed wage payment
, the same payment he would offer if contractually specifying effort when effort is observable.
Letting and denote the multipliers on constraints and , respectively, must satisfy the following Kuhn-Tucker first-order condition at every :
Lemma 14.B.1. In any solution to problem (14.B.9) with
Consider, for example, the fixed wage payment
The optimal compensation scheme pays more than
In an optimal incentive scheme, compensation is not necessarily monotonically increasing in profits.
- Requires monotone likelihood ratio property.
- Definition (monotone likelihood ratio property). The likelihood ratio
is decreasing in .
- Definition (monotone likelihood ratio property). The likelihood ratio
Condition (14.B.10) also implies that the optimal contract is not likely to take a simple (e.g., linear) form.
The expected value of the manager’s wage payment must be strictly greater than his (fixed) wage payment in the observable case,
# Second Step
The owner compares the incremental change in expected profits from the two effort levels with the difference in expected wage payments in the contracts that optimally implement each of them.
# Conclusion
We know that the wage payment when implementing
Thus, in this model, nonobservability raises the cost of implementing
Proposition 14.B.3. In the principal-agent model with unobservable manager effort, a risk-averse manager, and two possible effort choices, the optimal compensation scheme for implementing
# Hidden Information
The techniques we develop here can also be applied to models of monopolistic screening.
- Definition (Monopolistic Screening). In a setting characterized by precontractual informational asymmetries, a single uninformed individual offers a menu of contracts in order to distinguish, or screen, informed agents who have differing information at the time of contracting.
A contract must try to accomplish two objectives here:
- The risk-neutral owner should insure the manager against fluctuations in his income;
- A contract that maximizes the surplus available in the relationship must make the level of managerial effort responsive to the disutility incurred by the manager, that is, to the state
# Observable State
# Step 1
A complete information contract consists of two wage effort pairs:
The reservation utility constraint must bind.
In addition, letting
First, rearranging and combining conditions (14.C.2) and (14.C.3), we see that
- So the manager’s marginal utility of income is equalized across states.
- The manager therefore has utility level
in each state.
- The manager therefore has utility level
# Step 2
Now consider the optimal effort levels in the two states.
Combining condition (14.C.2) with (14.C.4), and condition (14.C.3) with (14.C.5), we see that the optimal level of effort in state
This profit is exactly equal to the distance from the origin to the point at which the owner’s isoprofit curve through point
Proposition 14.C.1. In the principal-agent model with an observable state variable
With a strictly risk-averse manager, the first-best contract is characterized by two basic features:
- The owner fully insures the manager against risk.
- It requires the manager to work to the point at which the marginal benefit of effort exactly equals its marginal cost.
- Because the marginal cost of effort is lower in state
than in state , the contract calls for more effort in state .
- Because the marginal cost of effort is lower in state
# Unobservable State
Proposition 14.C.2: (The Revelation Principle). Denote the set of possible states by
- After the state
is realized, the manager is required to announce which state has occurred. - The contract specifies an outcome
for each possible announcement . - In every state
, the manager finds it optimal to report the state truthfully.
Definition (revelation mechanism). A contract that asks the manager to announce the state
- Definition (incentive compatible revelation mechanism). Revelation mechanisms with truthfulness property that the manager always responds truthfully are known as incentive compatible (or truthful) revelation mechanisms.
So we can ignore the choice of workers.
The pairs
We show that the optimal level of
Proposition 14.C.3. In the hidden information principal-agent model with an infinitely risk-averse manager the optimal contract sets the level of effort in state