# Choice-based Demand


# Walrasian demand

Definition (Walrasian\Market\Ordinary Demand Correspondence). The consumer's Walrasian (or market, or ordinary) demand correspondence x(p,w) assigns a set of chosen consumption bundles for each price-wealth pair (p,w).

  • Definition (demand function). When x(p,w) is single-valued, we refer to it as a demand function.


  1. Homogeneous of degree zero. x(αp,αw)=x(p,w) for any p,w and α>0​.
  2. Walras' law. For every p0​ and w>0​, we have pTx=w​ for all xx(p,w)​.
  3. Demand function. We assume that x(p,w) is always single-valued.
  4. When convenient, we also assume x(p,w)​ to be continuous and differentiable.

# Compensated law of demand

In the consumer demand setting, the weak axiom is essentially equivalent to the compensated law of demand, the postulate that prices and demanded quantities move in opposite directions for price changes that leave wealth unchanged.


# Wealth and Price Effects

# Wealth effects

Definition (Consumer's Engel function). For fixed prices p, the function of wealth x(p,w)​ is called the consumer's Engel function.

  • Its image in R+L,Ep={x(p,w):w>0}​, is known as the wealth expansion path.​

At any (p,w), the derivative x(p,w)/w is known as the wealth effect for the ​th good.

  • Normal. If x(p,w)/w0

  • Inferior (at (p,w)​​). If x(p,w)/w<0​​

  • Demand is normal. If every commodity is normal at all (p,w)​​.

In matrix notation. Dwx(p,w)=[x1(p,w)wx2(p,w)wxL(p,w)w]RL.

# Price effects

Definition (Offer Curve). Offer curve is the locus of points demanded in R+2 as we range over all possible values of p2.

Definition (Price Effect). The derivative x(p,w)/pk is known as the price effect of pk on the demand for good .

  • Giffen good at (p,w). If x(p,w)/pl>0​.
In matrix form Dpx(p,w)=[x1(p,w)p1x1(p,w)pLxL(p,w)p1xL(p,w)pL].

# Implications of assumptions

# Implications of homogeneity

Proposition 2.E.1. If the Walrasian demand function x(p,w)​ is homogeneous of degree zero, then for all p and w:

(2.E.1)k=1Lx(p,w)pkpk+x(p,w)ww=0 for =1,,L.
In matrix form (2.E.2)Dpx(p,w)p+Dwx(p,w)w=0.

Definition (Elasticities of Demand). The elasticities of demand with respect to prices and wealth.


# Implications of Walras' law

Definition (Cournot Aggregation). Total expenditure cannot change responding to a change in prices.

Definition (Engel Aggregation). Total expenditure must change by an amount equal to any wealth change.

# Implications of the weak axiom

We continue to assume that x(p,w) is single-valued, homogeneous of degree zero, and satisfies Walras' law.

Definition (the WA for the WDF). The Walrasian demand function x(p,w)​​​ satisfies the weak axiom of revealed preference (the WA) if the following property holds for any two price-wealth situations (p,w)​​​ and (p,w)​​ :

if px(p,w)w and x(p,w)x(p,w), then px(p,w)>w.

Price changes affect the consumer in two ways.

  1. First, they alter the relative cost of different commodities.
  2. They also change the consumer's real wealth.

To study the implications of the weak axiom, we need to isolate the first effect.

Proposition 2.F.1

Suppose that the Walrasian demand function x(p,w)​ is homogeneous of degree zero and satisfies Walras' law. Then x(p,w)​​​ satisfies the weak axiom if and only if the following property holds:

  • for any compensated price change from an initial situation (p,w) to a new price-wealth pair (p,w)=(p,px(p,w))​, we have(2.F.1)(pp)[x(p,w)x(p,w)]0,with strict inequality whenever x(p,w)x(p,w)​.

(2.F.1)​​ can be written as ΔpΔx0​​.

Proposition 2.F.1 tells us that the law of demand holds for compensated price changes, so we call it the compensated law of demand.

# Substitution effects

When consumer demand x(p,w)​ is a differentiable function of prices and wealth, Proposition 2.F.1 has a differential implication that is of great importance.

Imagine that we make this a compensated price change by giving the consumer compensation of dw=x(p,w)dp​.


where the (l,k)th entry is


The matrix S(p,w) is known as the substitution/Slutsky matrix, and its elements are known as substitution effects.