# Adverse Selection
In reality, information of commodities is often asymmetrically held by market participants.
In the presence of asymmetric information, market equilibria often fail to be Pareto optimal.
Definition (Adverse Selection). Adverse selection arises when an informed individual’s trading decisions depend on her privately held information in a manner that adversely affects uninformed market participants.
Definition (Constrained Pareto Optimal Allocation). Allocations that cannot be Pareto improved upon by a central authority who, like market participants, cannot observe individuals’ privately held information.
# Informational Asymmetries and Adverse Selection
# Base: The competitive equilibrium with perfect information
Given the competitive, constant returns nature of the firms, in a competitive equilibrium we have
for all (recall that the price of their output is 1); - The set of workers accepting employment in a firm is
As would be expected from the first fundamental welfare theorem, this competitive outcome is Pareto optimal.
# Imperfect Information
A single wage rate
A firm believes that the average productivity of workers who accept employment is
With rational expectation, we must have
Definition (Competitive Equilibrium with Imperfect Information). In the competitive labor market model with unobservable worker productivity levels, a competitive equilibrium is a wage rate
- When no workers are employed, we assume that
and in such equilibrium.
A competitive equilibrium above will fail to be Pareto optimal.
# Market Unraveling
Once the best workers are driven out of the market, the average productivity of the workforce falls, thereby further lowering the wage that firms are willing to pay. As a result, once the best workers are driven out of the market, the next-best may follow; the good may then be driven out by the mediocre.
# Multiple Equilibria and Game Approach
The competitive equilibrium need not be unique.
It can arise because there is no restrictions on the slope of the function
The equilibria can be Pareto ranked.
- The equilibrium with the highest wage Pareto dominates the others.
- The low-wage equilibria arise because of a coordination failure.
Two-stage game
- Two firms simultaneously announce their wage offers.
- Workers decide whether to work for a firm and, if so, which one.
Proposition 13.B.1. Let
- If
and such that for all , then there is a unique pure strategy SPNE of the two-stage game-theoretic model. - In this SPNE, employed workers receive a wage of
, and workers with types in the set accept employment in firms.
- In this SPNE, employed workers receive a wage of
- If
, then there are multiple pure strategy SPNEs. However, in every pure strategy SPNE each agent's payoff exactly equals her payoff in the highest-wage competitive equilibrium.
The game-theoretic model tells us that if sophisticated firms have the ability to make wage offers, then we break the coordination problem.
# Market Intervention
Definition (Constrained/Second-Best Pareto Optimum). An allocation that cannot be Pareto improved by an authority who is unable to observe agents’ private information is known as a constrained (or second-best) Pareto optimum.
A central authority who is unable to observe worker types can always implement the best (highest-wage) competitive equilibrium outcome.
- She need only set
, the highest competitive equilibrium wage, and .
Proposition 13.B.2. In the adverse selection labor market model where
- In more general situation, this may fail. Details...
# Signaling
Definition (Signaling). Individuals on the more informed side of the market (workers) chose their level of education in an attempt to signal information about their abilities to uninformed parties (the firms).
The otherwise useless education may serve as a signal of unobservable worker productivity.
The welfare effects of signaling activities are ambiguous.
# Inefficiency of Signaling
The unique equilibrium has all workers employed by firms at a wage of
The equilibrium concept is of a weak perfect Bayesian equilibrium, but with an added condition.
Definition (Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium). A set of strategies and a belief function
- The worker’s strategy is optimal given the firm’s strategies.
- The belief function
is derived from the worker’s strategy using Bayes’ rule where possible. - The firms’ wage offers following each choice
constitute a Nash equilibrium of the simultaneous-move wage offer game in which the probability that the worker is of high ability is .
# Analysis
Definition (Single-Crossing Property). The indifference curves cross only once and that, where they do, the indifference curve of the high-ability worker has a smaller slope.
# Equilibria
# Separating Equilibria
Lemma 13.C.1. In any separating perfect Bayesian equilibrium,
Lemma 13.C.2. In any separating perfect Bayesian equilibrium,
, .
The fundamental reason that education can serve as a signal here is that the marginal cost of education depends on a worker’s type.
Any education level between
- These various separating equilibria can be Pareto ranked.
Welfare Comparison
It is of interest to compare welfare in these equilibria with that arising when worker types are unobservable but no opportunity for signaling is available.
- Firms earn expected profits of zero in both situation.
- Low-ability workers are strictly worse off when signaling is possible.
- High-ability workers may be better or worse off when signaling is possible.
# Pooling Equilibria
Any education level between
- Given the wage schedule, we draw the indifference curves and move them upward.
Welfare Comparison
A pooling equilibrium in which both types of worker get no education Pareto dominates any pooling equilibrium with a positive education level.
Thus, pooling equilibria are weakly Pareto dominated by the no-signaling outcome.
# Pareto Improvement
In the presence of signaling, a central authority who cannot observe worker types may be able to achieve a Pareto improvement relative to the market outcome.
The best separating equilibrium can be Pareto dominated by the outcome that arises when signaling is impossible.
- A Pareto improvement can be achieved simply by banning the signaling activity.
It may be possible to achieve a Pareto improvement even when the no-signaling outcome does not Pareto dominate the best separating equilibrium.
- The central authority introduces cross-subsidization, where high-ability workers are paid less than their productivity level while low-ability workers are paid more than theirs, an outcome that cannot occur in a separating signaling equilibrium.
# Screening
Definition (Screening). The uninformed parties take steps to try to distinguish, or screen, the various types of individuals on the other side of the market.
The model.
- A worker come to find a job.
- Two firms simultaneously announce sets of offered contracts.
- A contract is a pair
- A contract is a pair
- Workers choose whether to accept a contract and which one.
- Assume that if a worker is indifferent between two contracts, she always chooses the one with the lower task level and that she accepts employment if she is indifferent about doing so.
- If a worker’s most preferred contract is offered by both firms, she accepts each firm’s offer with probability
# Base: Perfect Information
Proposition 13.D.1. In any SPNE of the screening game with observable worker types, a type
# Imperfect Information
To determine the equilibrium outcome with unobservable worker types, it is useful to begin by drawing three break-even lines: the zero-profit lines for productivity levels
Proposition 13.D.2. In any subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of the screening game, low-ability workers accept contract
The equilibrium may not exist.
More generally, an equilibrium exists only if there is no such profitable deviation.
# Welfare Properties of Screening Equilibria
One difference from the signaling model, however, is that in cases where an equilibrium exists, screening must make the high-ability workers better off.
Indeed, when an equilibrium does exist, it is a constrained Pareto optimal outcome.
- if no firm has a deviation that can attract both types of workers and yield it a positive profit, then a central authority who is unable to observe worker types cannot achieve a Pareto improvement either.