# Choice under Uncertainty

All choices made under some kind of uncertainty. Rather than choosing outcome directly, decision-maker chooses uncertain prospect (or lottery).

# Outcomes and Lotteries

We study how a rational consumer should behave in order to maximize his expected utility.

Two basic elements of expected utility theory:

  • outcomes: Finite set C of outcomes, with cnC,n=1,2,,N. Outcomes are what the decision maker ultimately cares about. For instance, (win, lose)
  • lotteries: the probabilities distribution over outcomes.

Definition A simple lottery L is a list L=(p1,,pn) with pn0 for all n and npn=1, where pn is interpreted as the probability of outcome cn occurring.

  • Denote the set of lotteries as L.
  • Consumer does not choose outcomes cC directly, but he chooses a lottery. The lotteries are objectively known.

Definition Given K simple lotteries Lk=(p1k,,pNk),k=1,,K and probabilities αk0 with kαk=1, the compound lottery (L1,,Lk;α1,,αk) is the risky alternative that yields the simple lottery Lk with probability αk for k=1,...,K.

# Expected utility maximization

In expected utility theory, no distinction between simple and compound lotteries: simple lottery and above compound lottery give same distribution over outcomes, so identified with same element of L.

Just like in UMP, assume decision-maker has a rational preference relation on L.

# Preference

Since we know how to model a risky environment, we shall now study how agents make their choice.

In a riskless environment, this is done by assuming the existence of a preference ordering over the possible points of the consumption set.

In a risky setting, we will say that the agents only care about the final results (the outcomes cC ) and not about the way those results have been generated (simple lottery, compound lottery,...).

We will therefore assume that the agent has a rational preference (complete, transitive) over the set of (simple) lotteries L allowing comparison of any pair of simple lotteries.

# Utility

Expected Utility Theory is based on two important axioms.

Definition The preference relation on the space of simple lotteries L is continuous if for all L1,L2,L3L with L1L2L3, there exists α[0,1] such that L2αL1+(1α)L3.

Definition (The independence axiom) The preference relation on the space of simple lotteries L satisfies the independence axiom if for all L1,L2,L3L and for all α2[0;1], we have


Definition (Von-Neumann Morgenstern utility function). The utility function U:LR has a expected utility form if there is an assignment of numbers (u1,,uN) to the N outcomes (a function u:CR) such that for every simple lottery L=(p1,,pN)L, we have


A utility function U:LR with the expected utility form is called a Von-Neumann Morgenstern expected utility function.

If preferences over lotteries happen to have an expected utility representation, it’s as if consumer has a “utility function” over outcomes (and chooses among lotteries so as to maximize expected “utility over outcomes”).

# The expected utility theorem

Theorem Suppose that the rational preference relation on the space of simple lotteries L satisfies the continuity and independence axioms. Then admits a utility representation of the VNM expected utility form. That is, we can assign a number un to each outcome n in such a manner that for any two lotteries L and L, we have


# Property of expected utility

Proposition (Linearity in Probabilities). A utility function U has an expected utility form iff it is linear, i.e.,


for any K lotteries LkL,k=1,,K and probabilities (α1,,αk)0,kαk=1.

Proposition (Invariant to Affine Transformation). Suppose U:LR is an expected utility function representing preferences . Then U~:LR is also an expected utility function representing there are scalars β>0 and γ such that U~(L)=βU(L)+γ for every LL

# Money Lotteries

Special case of choice under uncertainty: outcomes are measured in dollars.

Set of outcomes C (or money is a continuous variable x) is subset of R. A lottery is a cumulative distribution function F on R.

Assume preferences have expected utility representation:


Assume u(·) is the Bernoulli utility function (von Neumann-Morgenstern), increasing and differentiable.

Question: how do properties of the Bernoulli utility function u relate to decision-maker’s attitude toward risk?

# Expected value vs. expected utility

Expected value of lottery F is


Expected utility of lottery F is


Can learn about consumer’s risk attitude by comparing EF[u(x)] and u(EF[x]).

# Risk attitude

A decision-maker is risk-averse if she always prefers the sure wealth level EF[x] to the lottery F: that is,

U(F)=u(x)dF(x)u(xdF(x))=U(EF[x]) for all F.

A decision-maker is strictly risk-averse if the inequality is strict for all non-degenerate lotteries F.

A decision-maker is risk-neutral if she is always indifferent:

U(F)=u(x)dF(x)=u(xdF(x))=U(EF[x]) for all F.

A decision-maker is risk-loving if she always prefers the lottery:

U(F)=u(x)dF(x)u(xdF(x))=U(EF[x]) for all F.

Proposition. A decision-maker is (strictly) risk-averse if and only if u is (strictly) concave. A decision-maker is risk-neutral if and only if u is linear. A decision-maker is (strictly) risk-loving if and only if u is (strictly) convex.

# Certainty equivalents

Definition (Certainty Equivalents). The certainty equivalent of a lottery F is the sure wealth level that yields the same expected utility as F: that is,


Proposition. A decision-maker is risk-averse CE(F,u)EF(x) for all F. A decision-maker is risk-neutral CE(F,u)=EF(x) for all F. A decision-maker is risk-loving CE(F,u)EF(x) for all F.

# Measure of risk aversion

Two possibilities:

  1. u1 is more risk-averse than u2 if, for every F, CE(F,u1)CE(F,u2).
  2. u1 is more risk-averse than u2 if u1 is “more concave” than u2, in that u1=gu2 for some increasing, concave g.

Definition Given a twice-differentiable Bernoulli utility function u(·) for money, the Arrow-Pratt coefficient of absolute risk aversion at x is defined as rA(x)=u(x)/u(x).

One more, based on local curvature of utility function: u1 is more-risk averse than u2 if, for every x,


Proposition The following are equivalent:

  1. For every F,CE(F,u1)CE(F,u2).
  2. There exists an increasing, concave function g such that u1=gu2.
  3. For every x, rA(x,u1)rA(x,u2).

# Risk Attitude and Wealth Levels

How does risk attitude vary with wealth?


Natural to assume that a richer individual is more willing to bear risk: whenever a poorer individual is willing to accept a risky gamble, so is a richer individual.

Captured by decreasing absolute risk-aversion:

Definition A Bernoulli utility function u exhibits decreasing (constant, increasing) absolute risk-aversion if rA(x,u) is decreasing (constant, increasing) in x.

Proposition Suppose u exhibits decreasing absolute risk-aversion. If the decision-maker accepts some gamble at a lower wealth level, she also accepts it at any higher wealth level: that is, for any lottery F(z), if


then, for any x2>x1,


# Relative risk-aversion

What about gambles that multiply wealth, like choosing how risky a stock portfolio to hold? The loss/gain is proportional to current wealth.u~(t)=u(tx)

Are richer individuals also more willing to bear multiplicative risk?

Depends on increasing/decreasing relative risk-aversion: rR(x,u)=xu/u.

We have


Proposition Suppose u exhibits decreasing relative risk-aversion. If the decision-maker accepts some multiplicative gamble at a lower wealth level, she also accepts it at any higher wealth level: that is, for any lottery F(t), if


then, for any x2x1
