# Large-Sample Distribution Theory


大数定律指出,一个期望 μ 和方差 σ2 均有限的随机样本x,其平均值 x¯ 就是其期望 μ 的一致估计量。




# Convergence in Probability

Definition (Convergence in Probability). The random variable xn converges in probability to a constant c if

limnProb(|xnc|>ε)=0 for any positive ε.
  • If xn converges in probability to c, then we writeplimxn=c.

Theorem (Convergence in Quadratic Mean). If xn has mean μn and variance σn2 such that the ordinary limits of μn and σn2 are c and 0, respectively, xn converges in mean square to c, and


Definition (Consistent Estimator). An estimator θ^n of a parameter θ is a consistent estimator of θ if and only if


Theorem (Consistency of the Sample Mean). The mean of a random sample from any population with finite mean μ and finite variance σ2 is a consistent estimator of μ.

# Laws of Large Numbers

Theorem (Khinchine’s Weak Law of Large Numbers). If xi,i=1,,n is a random (i.i.d.) sample from a distribution with finite mean E[xi]=μ,




Theorem (Chebychev’s Weak Law of Large Numbers). If xi,i=1,,n is a sample of observations such that E[xi]=μi< and Var[xi]=σi2< such that σ¯n2n=(1n2)iσi20 as n, then plim(x¯nμ¯n)=0.

# Rules for Probability Limits

  1. If xn and yn are random variables with plimxn=c and plimyn=d, then

    plim(xn+yn)=c+d, (sum rule) plimxnyn=cd, (product rule)plimxn/yn=c/d if d0. (ratio rule)
  2. If Wn is a matrix whose elements are random variables and if plimWn=Ω, then

    plimWn-1=Ω-1. (matrix inverse rule)
  3. If Xn and Yn are random matrices with plimXn=A and plimYn=B, then

    plimXnYn=AB. (matrix product rule)

# Convergence in Distribution

Definition (Convergence in Distribution). xn converges in distribution to a random variable x with CDF F(x) if limn|Fn(xn)F(x)|=0 at all continuity points of F(x).

Definition (Limiting Distribution). If xn converges in distribution to x, where Fn(xn) is the CDF of xn, then F(x) is the limiting distribution of xn. This is written as


# Rules for Limiting Distributions

xn+yndc+x, and xn/yndx/c, if c0.

If xndx and g(xn) is a continuous function, then 𝑔(xn)d𝑔(x).

If yn has a limiting distribution and plim(xnyn)=0, then xn has the same limiting distribution as yn.

# Central Limit Theorems

Theorem (Lindeberg-Levy Central Limit Theorem (Univariate)). If x1,,xn are a random sample from a probability distribution with finite mean \mu and finite variance σ2 and x¯n=(1n)i=1nxi, then


# Asymptotic Distribution

Definition (Asymptotic Distribution). An asymptotic distribution is a distribution that is used to approximate the true finite sample distribution of a random variable.

If n[x¯nμ]/σdN[0,1], then approximately, or asymptotically, x¯nN[μ,σ2n], which we write as
